Course 4:

Robot control

Learn to control your robot! Start by driving it from your keyboard or gamepad, and go all the way to creating a PC controlled robot that can follow a series of steps written in code.

Beginner level
Category: Robotics 💬 English

What Will I Learn?

  • Learn to control a robot from the keyboard.
  • Learn to control a robot from the gamepad
  • Learn to write preprogrammed robot procedures.
  • Learn to use sensor input in robot control.
  • Learn to use robot states in robot control.
  • Learn to give feedback to the user based on conditions and states.
  • Learn to do sensor calibration.
  • Learn to use the IR remote controller for robot control.


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Curriculum For This Course

This lecture is the introduction to robot control. First you will plan a route (movement along the sides of a square), than you need to drive the cursor along the path using an algorithm. It is essential for all robot developers to be able test their code in a simulated environment. This is a great example for that. The final task of this lecture is to create the same movement pattern for the real life robot.
Keyboard events are great, becuase they are fast and offer a great input mechanism for robot control. In this lecture you will learn how to use the keyboard in SNAP. Your task will be to create a doodle program, that will move the cursor along the canvas as if it was a robot. You will be able to use the space to put down the pen to leave a trail for the movement. You will also learn about program initialization tasks.
Control your real-life robot from the keyboard. After completing Lecture 2 you will find it easy to control your robot's movement from the keyboard. In this lecture your task will be to write a robot control code. You will find challanges in turning the robot by exactly 90 degrees, and it will require you to do calculations to make the robot go forward the exact distance you wish. This is a great lecture.
In this lecture you will learn to use a gamepad in the SNAP robot programming environment. You will learn how to setup and connect a bluetooth or USB gamepad to your system. You will also learn how to convert information received from the gamepad axes and button inputs into messages, that can be used in your code. After completing this lecture, you will be able to draw on the canvas using the gamepad.
In this lecture you will learn to use a gamepad for robot control. This lecture is based on information you have learnt in Lecture 4. You will apply your knowledge to control motors by gamepad events. Turning a real life robot around, making it move and stop as you wish is a bit more tricky then operating the cursor on the canvas. You will enjoy this lecture, and once you complete all the tasks, you will be more equiped with knowledge on how to add great control input sources to your machines.
In this lecture you will learn how to give feedback to the person controlling the robot using sensor data. For example, if the robot gets to close to an obstacle, it will play a sound. You will also learn how to overwrite commands coming from a human operator if a better alternative comes up based on sensor information. For example the robot operator will tell the robot to go forward, and the robot will automatically avoid an obstacle. This is a great lecture to complete.
In this lecture you will learn to use states with the help of variables in your code. The main task is to build a safe with a combination lock. You will use a motor as the input for the combination dial and you will control another motor to open the safe's door, once the desired state in your program code is reached.
In this lecture you will learn, how to control your robot using an Infrared remote controller. You will have a task to change states using the press of buttons on your IR remote. Your will also have to implement a solution, to control the speed of the car, and you also have to provide feedback to the user using the robot's LCD display and built in RGB LED. This lecture also includes information about implementing different movement patterns that can be selected using the IR remote.
In this lecture you will learn, how to synchronize the motion of multiple motors. You will build a ping-pong machine to test your skills. You will learn how broadcast messages can be used to trigger motion in other motors. You will also learn how randomness can be applied. The code in this lecture is very easy to understand, yet it demonstrates a very powerful concept.
The line following robot is a classic example of robot control. You task in this lecture will be to use the colour sensor as input and develop the algorithm to follow a line. Of course you will be presented with a recommended strategy an information on how others have achieved this goal in the past.


  • This course is designed to suit users of either the EV3 home edition or the EV3 education edition.
  • Users are required to have a Windows 10 PC with Bluetooth. (Most Windows 10 laptops have built in Bluetooth support)
  • Users will need to download Ozeki 10 from
  • Users will need to know the basics of Ozeki 10 and Lego robots. Read more information in this course.


Robots can be controlled with Ozeki 10. Since it recognizes your motors, sensors, etc. automatically you just have to use them. Ozeki 10 has a built-in application called SNAP to make simple programs. Lego robots can be easily programmed by using SNAP. You have to connect your EV3 Brick to Ozeki 10 to use SNAP.

This course is designed to get you started with programming your robot using SNAP. It shows you how to create simple programs without writing any code. At first you will control a cursor on the display to learn the basics. Later you will learn how to give instructions to the robot to control it like the cursor. You can control them from keyboard and gamepad. Then you will use sensors (mostly IR distance sensor) to control the robot. The last lecture teaches you how to follow a line with the robot using a color sensor.

The lectures in the course provide easy to follow step-by-step instructions and quiz questions. Enjoy the course!

Who is the target audience?

This course is designed for learners who are interested in learning SNAP basics and programming the Lego robots.

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