Course 12 / Lecture 4:

Switching to HTTPS

Task #1:

Start Ozeki 10 security app

First step is open Ozeki 10 Security app where you can create and configurate your certificates.

Figure 1 - Open security app

Figure 2 - Click HTTPS button

Task #2:

Create your own CA certificate

Before you switch to HTTPS you need to create your own CA certificate.

Figure 3 - Create CA

Figure 4 - Define Certificate settings

Task #3:

Create a self singned certificate

With your CA certificate you can create a self signed certificate for HTTPS.

Figure 5 - Create self singned certificate

Figure 6 - Define self singned certificate settings

Task #4:

Bind the certificate to the appropriate port

To use HTTPS in a specific port you need to bind your self signed cerificate to the port.

Figure 7 - Save certificate to local machine store

Figure 8 - Bind certificate to the port

Task #5:

Check the binding

In the Bindings tab you can see all port binding in your computer. In the list you can find the new binding what you created.

Figure 9 - Check the binding

Task #6:

Test HTTPS from a webbrowser

Your can check the HTTPS binding with the Ozeki 10's HTTP Server SMS connection. If the binding is correct you can create a HTTPS server with the port you specify earlier.

Figure 10 - Open HTTP Server SMS connection

Figure 11 - Configure HTTP Server SMS connection

Figure 12 - Select certificate

Figure 13 - Check HTTPS

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